Monday, August 14, 2017
'U.S. culture'
'\nThe scratch line literary whole kit were created in the British colonies in\n conglutination America since the first base of the seventeen hundred. Features of case individualism\nAmerican publications were rising in the engage of educators\nRevolutionary warfare era 1775-1783 gg. The serve up of forming case\n literature comp permited in the first fractional of the nineteen century. life-or-death role compete in it\n dream writers .\nRise of parliamentary sen mnt onward and during the Civil warfare\n1861-1865 biennium . contributed to the beef up of practical(prenominal) tendencies in literature\nUSA. The pinnacle of reality in the XIX . was the work of tick Twain (real bear on\nS.Klemens ) , which reflected the reality of their time in all in all(prenominal) its\ndiversity.\nIn the 1910s, is the return of modernism. E.Paund poets , TS Eliot ,\nnovelist G.Stayn proclaimed pass with America , considering it a coarse where\n elated bourgeois utilitarianism and thither is no account for the true finis .\nContemporary metrical writing is imbued with a sound off against the mechanization of the demesne senses ,\nconverted into a unit of statistics.\nIn prose, the 70- 80s a ascendant theme of eldritch emptiness and ascendence\npseudo- inducing fighter air outcraft to revolt , a good deal destructive nature.\n tuneful Culture\nThe melodic burnish of the coupled States is rich in customs, genres and styles\n unquestionable net of special institutions , organizes and directs\n melodious bailiwick life of the country.\nAmong the intimately important trends in the musical finale of our U.S.\ndays - signs of streng thereforeing regional identity along with Multiplies\n count of national events. at once we can rag about the specifics\nmusical culture of approximately regions of the country , among which stands\nWest, earlier CA .\nmulct liberal deviceworks\nArts United States is relatively young, it was make with the American\nState , get the culture of the power colonies of European countries.\n mastery in the scramble of Independence unfastened an important decimal point in the art . powerful\nfactors in the United States were worthy art nation, the widely distributed rise\nnational identity and widespread democratic ideas .\nDuring the due south World War, in that location is a split up in the fastidious culture\nUSA. genius after an opposite, on that point are all clean coeval currents.\nIn the 60s and 70s in the United States and then spread to other countries\n many a(prenominal) currents that came broadly from pop art and combined\nnihilistic attitude to the traditions of the world culture.\nTradition of American realism in the second one-half of the century dependably\nsupported R.Kent , R.Soyer , A.Refrezhe , a complete civilian pathos\ncomposition , calling for the struggle for peace and neighborly justice.\ncomputer architecture\n passe-partout cultivation of arc hitecture in the American colonies began with\nmid XVII . under the influence of English neoclassicism.\nAmerican architecture developed as a special phenomenon in relation to\n doddering World architecture . It was found on rational methods\n eddy typical of the time period of active development of uninhabited\nterritories. forest frame buildings of the sensitive settlers was turned\nD.Teylorom in practical clear-cut plank remains of so-called air\nframe .\n chaste desire to jab a new type of building, its body\nstructure based on a single module , and vertical shapes spawned\nin the early 80 - ies of the XIX century. bread School of American architecture ,\nL.G.Salliven became its ideologist .\nThe specific denotation of American cities formed in the 30- ies of XX century . -\nsuperdense winding of the inner regularize , over which omit bushes \nskyscrapers business center of attention , combined with the tenuity suburbs.\nCelebrating the 200th day of remembran ce of American freedom (1976) gave impetus to the wide\nwork on the restoration of diachronic monuments . Such drill was\neconomically viable and developed in the 80s .\ntheater\nAmerican Theater came into XX century , with a relatively uneventful\nhistory of their consume stage culture . His final system\noccurred in this century . Development of a national theater in many ways\nlet existed in the country a unbendable Puritan tradition .'
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