Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reflectionson culture diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflectionson culture diversity - Essay Example This exposure to direct, first hand experience is the only way I have learned about cultural diversity, as there is limited education and training from school or healthcare institutions available. 2). Reflections: Cultural Aspects of Epidemiology( This subscale concerns practitioners’ knowledge of cultural, environmental and related etiologic factors that contribute to disease. It probes health disparity and risk and protective factors for underserved groups and communities. Part of the admission assessment in the questionnaire given to our patients that include etiologic factors that contributed to their disease as well as different indicators on well being. I learned that there is such a big difference between cultures. For example, majority of health concerns such as back pain, Cancer, Alzheimers’ disease, are from the Caucasian group which implies that their environment and lifestyles have something to do with it. Being aware of the factors that contribute to their disease is as important as knowing their cultural background. However, sensitivity and privacy should be considered when it comes to interviewing a patient during the admission process. Health care providers must be knowledgeable in asking the right questions without being offensive or else they might overlook related factors or symptoms of the prevailing condition making diagnosis and treatment more difficult. 3) Reflections: Clinical Decision-Making.( This subscale concerns practitioner’s knowledge of culturally-defined health beliefs and practices, and the ability to integrate this knowledge in approaches to health care delivery.It addresses intake, assessment,/diagnosis,treatment/discharge planning and use of community-based resources. Many factors affect clinical decision-making. Some cultures make decisions for treatment of the patient as a group consensus.

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